I know folks tend to get this done just before the year end, but you know how life goes.
Anyway, I was on a little self challenge to use up as much of the stash and try to remember to save as much bottles as I can remember. I started this personal challenge around July-ish 2013. The items listed are roughly from July – December 2013.
So here is my first official use up the stash list, I was even more motivated to carry this challenge. When I went for the bag and saw how many items I have faithfully emptied. I’ve already put up another bag in my bathroom, in preparation for session #2 starting from January 2014. I’ve even gone through my stash and took out all the items I aiming to use up by around June of this year. Those items will be set out in another post.
Also those products I have reviews on will be hyperlink, so all you need to do is click on the name of the product(s) listed and it will take you straight to the review. Those that do not have a link, the review will be posted shortly.
Without further a due here are all the goodies used in this £-pounder stretcher bag. Drum-roll……….,