The Black Hair Diary is on a journey to INSPIRE other women on their haircare journey...,
Whilst making diary entries of my own haircare. I am on a quest to grow, long, lush and healthy hair. On my quest I shall be dabbling in the world of PJism as I bring thee reviews of my ventures......,
Helpful tips there. I too follow the 'natural' hair care regime. No chemicals or treatment, just Ayurvedic herbal based essentially required hair care products. I use Brahmi Amla Ayurvedic Herbal Oil by Vadik Herbs, a US company. It has no chemicals and just no mineral oil. I found it on and since last 5 months have been happily using it. After around a couple of months, my hair were strong, shiny, and very soft. They have stopped falling and breaking. I use it twice a week, leave it overnight, and wash it in the morning with an Ayurvedic herbal shampoo. I strongly recommend it!
Helpful tips there. I too follow the 'natural' hair care regime. No chemicals or treatment, just Ayurvedic herbal based essentially required hair care products. I use Brahmi Amla Ayurvedic Herbal Oil by Vadik Herbs, a US company. It has no chemicals and just no mineral oil. I found it on and since last 5 months have been happily using it. After around a couple of months, my hair were strong, shiny, and very soft. They have stopped falling and breaking. I use it twice a week, leave it overnight, and wash it in the morning with an Ayurvedic herbal shampoo. I strongly recommend it!